The tale of a woman named Catherine Bridge, who supposedly “holds the World Record for the most babies in a lone Pʀᴇɢɴᴀɴᴄʏ by ɢɪᴠɪɴɢ ʙɪʀᴛʜ to 17 babies,” has been making the rounds of social media since 2014. Here is the original Facebook post by Richard Camarinta Dy. Catherine Bridge holds the World Record for the most babies in a lone Pʀᴇɢɴᴀɴᴄʏ by ɢɪᴠɪɴɢ ʙɪʀᴛʜ to 17 babies. This woman gave birth to 17 beautiful and identical boys. Catherine and her husband choose the names for the boys with an obvious continuity of thought: James, Jacob, Jarod, Jarvis, Jason, Jeffrey, Jeremy, Jerome, Jesse, Jimmy, Joachim, Jonathan, Jonas, Joseph, Julian, Jimbo and surprisingly, Darth.
What will you do if such blessing of 17 boys comes your way? “Babies kept coming and coming and coming and coming… Man! I think I’m gonna have nightmares about this day for a long time! This is my last delivery” – Explains Dr. Jack Morrow, the doctor that helped the woman during the process. Catherine and her husband tried to have kids for years. Finally, they decided to use medical help from a fertility clinic. Their fertilization process was more than successful and the couple got 17 baby boys at once.
Although the news went viral, unfortunately India Today’s Anti Fake News War Room (AFWA) found that the whole story is cooked up. It was just a fictional article. Of course, this account did not originate with any real incident or news report. An Aᴍᴇʀɪᴄᴀɴ woman has totally annihilated the former World Record for the most babies in a lone Pʀᴇɢɴᴀɴᴄʏ by ɢɪᴠɪɴɢ ʙɪʀᴛʜ to seventeen babies over 29 hours last weekend at the Indianapolis Memorial Hospital.
Catherine Bridges and her husband had been trying to have a child for many years and had decided last year to use medical assistance from a fertility clinic in Rhodes Island. The insemination process was definitely successful, as the couple got an entire litter of seventeen beautiful and identical boys. The original WNDR article included only the photograph of 17 blue-clothed babies shown above. Someone latter added a (manipulated) image of a pregnant woman and a picture of a man sitting on a sofa amidst a multitude of diaper-clad infants. It led to embellish the social media version.
The record for most surviving children produced in a single Pʀᴇɢɴᴀɴᴄʏ remains eight, a feat accomplished in 2009 by Nadya Suleman, more commonly known as “Octomom.” (A few instances of the live birth of nine children stemming from a single Pʀᴇɢɴᴀɴᴄʏ have been recorded, but those children all ᴅɪᴇᴅ shortly afterwards.)